Today we will talk about another girl who, thanks to fitness, not only found a great figure, but also gained great popularity on the social network Instagram. Her name is Genesis Mia Lopez but some sources claim that her real name is Aurelio Lopez. The girl is originally from Miami, Florida. Genesis was born on July 15, 1993.
Genesis started her activity on Instagram in 2016. Her first account was blocked, but she immediately started a new one and began actively posting photos from training sessions and photos in swimsuits. It is impossible not to note the figure of the girl. Its forms are entirely the result of intensive training, proper balanced nutrition and a little genetics.
Genesis has Brazilian, Cuban, and slightly Japanese roots. It is this combination that gives such charisma and sexuality to a girl. Her family fully supports the girl’s studies, and encourages her in case of any failures. Yes, not everything was smooth on the way to popularity with Genesis.
Aurelio Lopez Nude Leaked
Aurelio Lopez has found a way to monetize her popularity – she sells nude photos on the OF website and some other paid resources. For money, she will show her pussy, big tits and even a hole in her huge ass.
Genesis Mia Lopez Huge Ass
Genesis now has almost 5 million followers on Instagram. Her photos and videos are gaining hundreds of thousands of likes and views. The girl also makes good money on her page, posting sponsored posts. Genesis is also registered in other social networks, where she communicates with fans and subscribers.
Mia Lopez Hot In Bikini
Genesis also works as a personal trainer and compiles training methods and programs. Based on her experience, the girl selects a specific training and nutrition program for each client. However, its services are not cheap.
Mia Lopez Tits
Passionate Mia Lopez Tits photos can attract the attention of both men and ladies. Her leaked nudes pictures have already caused a scandal more than once. It is likely that a celebrity is just provoking. But Genesis Mia Lopez naked photos show that the girl is really in good shape. Genesis Lopez nudes footage from videos and gifs also speak about this.
But it is noticeable from the video that Genesis Lopez tits are natural. Or they are made of very high quality. And the content itself leaves no room for imagination. So Genesis Mia Lopez nude photos are very clear and detailed.
Mia Lopez Pussy
Do you want to see Genesis Lopez pussy in high quality? You can find a lot of interesting material on our website. We collect Genesis Lopez leaked photos in one special section, as you can see for yourself. Moreover, we suggest considering rare Genesis Lopez naked photos that you will not find on other sites.
We are also posting Genesis Lopez leaked photos that will allow you to learn more about this celebrity. And we are adding nude pics in good quality all the time. So if you are looking for a Genesis Lopez nude photo, you need to look at our page.
Genesis now resides in Miami. Her height is 168 centimeters, and her weight is 61 kilograms.
Not a fan of the Kardasian ass models.
Love her pictures. Fine woman.
Un pedazo de yegua infernal. Chicas como esta son las que promueven el fanatismo por el sexo anal indiscriminado.
Disgusting ass and tits…smh. Too thick upper legs.